Selama acara Hello! Station #118 yang diadakan pada tanggal 20 Mei, Kanon Fukuda telah mengumumkan bahwa ia akan lulus dari Angerme (ex S/mileage) dan Hello! Project. Fukuda menjelaskan bahwa ia ingin fokus pada studinya di universitas, dan hingga ia lulus nanti yang dijadwalkan pada musim gugur ini, ia tetap akan melanjutkan berbagai kegiatannya dengan Angerme dan Hello! Project.
To all the people who have always supported me.
I, Kanon Fukuda, have decided to graduate this fall from ANGERME as well as from Hello! Project. Now that I became a member of S/mileage around 6 years ago, after the 3rd generation members joined and the group changed its name in order to become more powerful, I oriented myself to the thought of graduating. So after my graduation, I trust and feel relieve that the group would become bigger and bigger. Then, as well as graduating from ANGERME this fall, I have decided to take a new road. All of this came from me. The remaining time until my graduation is quite limited but in order to not waste one day, I took a break from the university I was going to. Now I devote myself and rush to ANGERME’s activities until the end. After my graduation I will go back to the university, and I will firmly study to graduate from the university, as well as for the work, going through new challenges, so please continue to support me. Fukuda Kanon